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I Can’t Seem to Lose Weight on My Own: Can You Help?

I Can’t Seem to Lose Weight on My Own: Can You Help?

The struggle to lose weight and keep it off is all too real for millions of Americans, and it can be even harder to do by yourself. But if you’re serious about shedding excess pounds and staying that way, we can help.
Jul 18th, 2024

How Can I Achieve Healthy Cholesterol Levels?

Cholesterol is something our bodies need, but too much of the bad type can lead to an array of medical problems that can be fatal. Let’s look at what we can do to lower the risks of these issues and get more healthy cholesterol.
Jun 25th, 2024
Am I a Candidate for Mounjaro for Weight Loss?

Am I a Candidate for Mounjaro for Weight Loss?

Getting rid of extra weight is a hard thing for millions of people, and holding onto those pounds can adversely affect your health. Mounjaro® is a drug that can help win that battle, but are you the right candidate for this treatment?
May 13th, 2024

Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible?

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of this chronic illness, and millions of people likely have it without even realizing it. But, is this a condition you’ll be dealing with for life? Read on to find out if this illness is reversible.
Apr 17th, 2024
Understanding the Difference Between LDL and HDL

Understanding the Difference Between LDL and HDL

With high cholesterol being such a common threat to your health, it’s easy to see all cholesterol as bad for you. The truth is a bit more complicated than that, so let’s look at the types of cholesterol and their differences.
Mar 13th, 2024
What Can I Expect During a Treadmill Stress Test?

What Can I Expect During a Treadmill Stress Test?

Heart health is essential for overall health and quality of life, but there are lots of conditions that can increase your risk of heart disease. Diagnostic tests, such as treadmill stress tests are important in checking for heart disease.
Feb 2nd, 2024
I Feel Tired All the Time. Do I Need a B12 Shot?

I Feel Tired All the Time. Do I Need a B12 Shot?

There are a lot of reasons you may feel tired all the time, including working too hard, stressing out, not getting proper rest, or missing important nutrients. A vitamin B12 deficiency could be causing your fatigue, and here’s why.
Jan 18th, 2024
5 Simple Steps to Manage Diabetes

5 Simple Steps to Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic illness that affects millions and can lead to a wide range of dangerous complications if not properly treated. To avoid the dangers of this illness, you need to know how to manage it. Read on to learn more.
Dec 13th, 2023
4 Subtle Signs of High Blood Pressure in Women

4 Subtle Signs of High Blood Pressure in Women

Blood pressure is vital to cardiovascular health, and hypertension can compromise that and lead to many medical problems. Some of the signs of this condition are different in women, and you should know what they are.
Nov 14th, 2023
How Is Gout Different From Other Types of Arthritis?

How Is Gout Different From Other Types of Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects your joints, and millions of people suffer from it. Gout is a form of arthritis, but there are some interesting differences in how it affects your body. Read on to find out more.
Oct 5th, 2023

Why Excess Weight Is Linked to High Cholesterol

Maintaining a healthy weight can be a difficult path, but if you’re overweight, the risk of problems with high cholesterol can lead to dangerous complications. Read on to find out more.
Sep 1st, 2023
Who Needs an Executive Physical?

Who Needs an Executive Physical?

Your annual exam is important to assess your overall health and keep an eye out for any changes that may indicate illness or chronic conditions. So, how is it different from an executive physical and who should get one?
Aug 2nd, 2023
Top Tips to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Top Tips to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones and can occur for a variety of reasons. However, there are ways to treat and prevent it, so let’s look at some tips to protect your bones and stay healthy.
Jul 11th, 2023
What You Can Learn from a Full Body CT Scan

What You Can Learn from a Full Body CT Scan

Diagnostic imaging is an important step in trying to confirm a condition so it can be treated. Computed tomography, or CT, scans are an accurate way to get a diagnosis, and here are some things you can learn from it.
Jul 1st, 2023
Hypertension Prevention: Know Your Numbers

Hypertension Prevention: Know Your Numbers

During High Blood Pressure Education Month, it’s important to look at the dangers of hypertension. Part of that includes knowing what the numbers mean on your blood pressure tests, and what you can do to stay healthy.
May 15th, 2023
7 Key Strategies to Help You Reverse Prediabetes

7 Key Strategies to Help You Reverse Prediabetes

Keeping your blood sugar under control is important for your overall health, and problems regulating it can lead to prediabetes. To prevent this from becoming type 2 diabetes, here are some strategies you can use.
Apr 10th, 2023
What Happens When Your Vitamin B12 Levels Are Low?

What Happens When Your Vitamin B12 Levels Are Low?

Your diet is important to your overall health, as the nutrients you eat fuel your body’s movements and functions. Vitamins are an important part of that diet, and not getting enough B12 can adversely affect your health.
Mar 14th, 2023
Managing the Different Types of Diabetes

Managing the Different Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is a life-changing condition that can lead to many serious complications. Managing it properly will depend on what type you’re struggling with. Read on to find out how you can live with any form of diabetes.
Jan 23rd, 2023
What Can I Expect From My First Female Physical?

What Can I Expect From My First Female Physical?

From the moment puberty kicks in, young women start the path to maturity and the ability to reproduce. Female physical exams are important as this happens, and you should know what to expect on your first trip. Read on to find out more.
Dec 8th, 2022

4 Tips to Help Prevent a Gout Flare-Up

Gout is a type of arthritis that can cause joint pain and inflammation and often starts in your big toe. There are some basic steps you can take to avoid getting gout, so read on to find out more about preventing the pain this illness can bring.
Nov 7th, 2022
GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Loss

GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Loss

Losing weight can be an important part of improving your health. There are lots of fad diets that claim to be able to help but can’t offer meaningful results. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists are a way to help you lose weight and more.
Oct 11th, 2022
Encouraging Facts About an Abnormal Pap Smear

Encouraging Facts About an Abnormal Pap Smear

A Pap smear, also known as a Pap test, is a procedure used to determine if you have cervical cancer. Millions of women get through this test with no difficulties, but if you end up with an abnormal result, it may not be as bad as you think.
Aug 8th, 2022
5 Foods That Promote Strong, Healthy Bones

5 Foods That Promote Strong, Healthy Bones

One of the most important things you can do for your long-term health is take care of your bones. There are many habits that can help with maintaining your bones, and several foods that can keep them strong.
Jul 12th, 2022
How Losing Weight Impacts Your Mental Health

How Losing Weight Impacts Your Mental Health

Obesity is a very common condition that millions of people struggle with. Most see the immediate physical benefits of losing weight, but shedding the pounds can have a powerful impact on your mental health as well.
Jun 4th, 2022
Who's at Risk for Gout?

Who's at Risk for Gout?

Gout is a form of arthritis that creates intense pain in your joints, often in your big toe. But what causes gout, and who’s more likely to get it? Read on to find out more about the risk and effects of gout on your body.
May 10th, 2022
How You Can Get More B12

How You Can Get More B12

Regardless of what foods you eat out of need or preference, vitamins are important in balancing your diet and staying healthy. Vitamin B12, for example, is necessary to your health for a variety of reasons. Read on to find out why and how you can get more.
Apr 12th, 2022
Complications of High Blood Pressure

Complications of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a very common condition that can do serious damage to your body if left unchecked. Read on to find out about the complications of this condition, so you can avoid them.
Mar 24th, 2022
How Do I Know if I'm at a Healthy Weight?

How Do I Know if I'm at a Healthy Weight?

There are a lot of health conditions that share obesity as an underlying cause, so reaching a healthy weight is vital to your long-term health. But what is a healthy weight for you? Is it the same for everyone?
Feb 14th, 2022
The Link Between Smoking and Cholesterol

The Link Between Smoking and Cholesterol

It’s common knowledge that smoking causes a variety of life threatening conditions, but did you know that smoking can also affect your cholesterol? Read on to find out more about the link between smoking and your cholesterol levels.
Jan 5th, 2022
3 Health Issues Men Must Know About

3 Health Issues Men Must Know About

As we get older, there are a number of conditions to look out for, and some impact men more than women. Let’s have a look at some diseases and other issues men should be careful to know the signs for and avoid.
Dec 7th, 2021
Mental and Emotional Health Benefits of Losing Weight

Mental and Emotional Health Benefits of Losing Weight

The struggle to lose weight and keep it off can take a toll on you. But getting through the difficulties can provide many mental and emotional benefits. Read on to find out what weight loss can do for your mental well-being.
Nov 4th, 2021
What To Expect During a Treadmill Stress Test

What To Expect During a Treadmill Stress Test

Taking care of your heart is very important to your overall health, and when you’re going for a physical exam, a treadmill test is useful in determining how well your cardiovascular system is doing. Keep reading to find out what to expect.
Oct 5th, 2021
How To Lower Your High Blood Pressure

How To Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Managing your health is vital to avoid issues like high blood pressure or hypertension. This condition can lead to problems with your heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes. In order to avoid these problems, find out how you can lower blood pressure.
Sep 6th, 2021
How an Executive Physical Works

How an Executive Physical Works

Annual physicals are a part of life for most patients. But, if you’re on the go and don’t have time to get in your physical and related screenings, it might be time to consider an executive physical.
Aug 5th, 2021
The Solution for Your Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The Solution for Your Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is important to your body for a wide variety of reasons, and not getting enough of it can lead to anemia, nervous system disorders, and other conditions. Keep reading to find out how to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin B12.
Jul 20th, 2021
What Women Need To Know About Bone Loss

What Women Need To Know About Bone Loss

Osteoporosis is a reality for everyone as they get older, but it affects older women far more than any other demographic. Find out what causes you to lose bone mass and what can be done to manage it.
May 4th, 2021
Foods To Avoid if You Have Gout

Foods To Avoid if You Have Gout

Gout is an inflammation of the joint that left unchecked can do permanent damage. This common condition is easily treated if caught early and can be prevented with careful attention to your diet. Find out what foods to avoid to maintain good health.
Apr 1st, 2021
 How To Prep for Your Stress Test

How To Prep for Your Stress Test

There are a number of ways to monitor your heart health. For example, a stress test. This test detects potential problems with your heart, so you can take steps to treat the issue. Interested in a stress test? Here’s what you need to know.
Mar 4th, 2021
 Are You Prediabetic?

Are You Prediabetic?

Type 2 diabetes is a major problem that millions of people deal with every day. However, many don’t know they have diabetes or that they’re prediabetic. But, what does it really mean to be prediabetic? Keep reading to learn more!
Feb 3rd, 2021
What’s Good Cholesterol?

What’s Good Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance that can get out of control and cause many problems for your body. But not all cholesterol is bad. Read on to find out more about what good cholesterol is and what it can do for you.
Jan 1st, 2021
Understanding High Cholesterol

Understanding High Cholesterol

Having high cholesterol is linked to many life-threatening conditions, like stroke, heart attack, or coronary artery disease. Understanding what high cholesterol means will help you make lifestyle changes that could potentially save your life.
Oct 1st, 2020
What’s Included in a Female Executive Physical?

What’s Included in a Female Executive Physical?

Female executive physicals are a great way for women to check-in on their health and gain a deeper understanding of their bodies. Keep reading to learn more about this type of physical and how you can benefit!
Sep 15th, 2020
What Causes High Blood Pressure?

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure impacts millions of people nationwide and can lead to worse complications and other conditions. Read on to find out the causes and treatments of high blood pressure.
Aug 13th, 2020
Internal Medicine and COVID-19: What You Should Know

Internal Medicine and COVID-19: What You Should Know

With over three million COVID-19 cases still active, it’s important to protect yourself, and other people, from catching the deadly virus. Keep reading to learn more about COVID-19 and steps you can take to lower your risk of catching it.
Jul 15th, 2020
The Many Benefits of B-12

The Many Benefits of B-12

B vitamins are essential for maintaining good health, especially B-12. This vitamin supports cell growth, metabolism, and several tissues in the body. Keep reading to learn why you need B-12 to stay healthy.
Jun 15th, 2020
Who Should Be Tested for STDs and How Often

Who Should Be Tested for STDs and How Often

If you’re sexually active, you likely know the importance of using protection and getting tested. But, who's at more risk, and how often should people get tested for STDs? Keep reading to find out more.
May 20th, 2020
Myths and Facts About Vaccinations

Myths and Facts About Vaccinations

There’s a lot of false information surrounding vaccinations and whether they’re effective or not. To make the best decision for your health, it’s important to know the facts. Keep reading to learn the truth about vaccines.
Apr 21st, 2020
 Understanding The 4 Stages of Gout

Understanding The 4 Stages of Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that affects millions of people. Read on to learn its various stages and what you can do to treat it.
Mar 9th, 2020
The Differences Between Good and Bad Cholesterol

The Differences Between Good and Bad Cholesterol

You’ve likely heard it’s unhealthy to have high cholesterol. This may be confusing if you’ve also heard there’s both “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Read on to learn the difference.
Feb 1st, 2020
Lifestyle Modifications to Improve Your Diabetes

Lifestyle Modifications to Improve Your Diabetes

A diabetes diagnosis can be tough to hear, but it doesn’t have to be tough to live with. There are many ways you can improve your diabetes with simple lifestyle changes. Read on to learn more about living with diabetes.
Jan 1st, 2020
Losing Weight Lowers Your Risk of These Chronic Conditions

Losing Weight Lowers Your Risk of These Chronic Conditions

Losing weight isn’t just about looking good in your favorite pair of jeans. Of course everyone wants to look good in their clothes, but there are far greater reasons to lose weight, such as lessening your chances of developing health problems.
Dec 1st, 2019
My Pap Smear Results Were Abnormal — Now What?

My Pap Smear Results Were Abnormal — Now What?

Regular Pap smears are the best way to monitor your gynecologic health. If you’ve received an abnormal result from your Pap smear, you may be anxious and confused. Read on to learn what it means and what you should do next.
Nov 1st, 2019
5 Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis

5 Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis

Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and seeing your doctor routinely can help lower your risk for osteoporosis. Find out more about what you can do to prevent osteoporosis in your future.
Oct 1st, 2019
What’s an Executive Physical?

What’s an Executive Physical?

As an executive, you face near-endless demands on your time. We can help make one aspect of your schedule easier to manage with our executive physical. Here’s what you need to know.
Sep 1st, 2019
The Link Between Obesity and Diabetes

The Link Between Obesity and Diabetes

Diabetes affects more than 30 million people in the United States. Obesity affects nearly 100 million. Learn how the two conditions are connected, and how to reduce your risk of both.
Aug 2nd, 2019
Top 5 Reasons Why High Cholesterol Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Top 5 Reasons Why High Cholesterol Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Suspecting you have high cholesterol or receiving confirmation you have it can be very upsetting. But, you should never ignore your high cholesterol. Find out how you’re putting your body — and life — at risk if you ignore your high cholesterol.
Jun 21st, 2019
The Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

The Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

With more than 30 million adults in the United States with diabetes, it’s a fairly common condition. Are you concerned that you might be at risk of developing the disease? Learn the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
May 13th, 2019
Here’s What Stress Does To Your Blood Pressure

Here’s What Stress Does To Your Blood Pressure

There’s no doubt that stress plays a role in your health. Find out more about the connection between everyday, or situational, stress and high blood pressure, and what you can do to help control it.
Jul 10th, 2019