Why Medically Supervised Weight Loss Programs Really Work

It’s estimated that 45 million people in the U.S. go on a diet each year, spending millions of dollars trying to lose weight. Weight problems affect nearly two-thirds of people in this country, and over the course of nearly a decade (1999-2018), obesity has increased from 30.5% to 42.4% in adults with people ages 40-59 years old being most affected (44.8%). And unfortunately, studies show that even if you lose weight, you’re not likely to keep it off.
One three-year study of dieters found that only 12% of people kept 75% of the weight they lost off, while 40% regained more than they originally lost. Dieting is hard to maintain and results can be difficult to achieve and keep off. To get a diet regimen that works for you, it may be time to consider a medically supervised weight loss program.
Patients in the Beverly Hills, California area looking for a medically supervised weight loss system that works can call on Dr. Shawn Veiseh and his medical team, whose individualized, comprehensive weight loss program can help you get rid of the weight for good.
The complications of obesity
Gaining weight generally happens over time, and is often caused by a combination of things including dietary habits and inactivity. These factors create metabolic and hormonal changes in the body that cause you to gain more weight than you lose through daily activities. A high-calorie diet of fast foods, sugary beverages, and oversized portions combined with a sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. If you’re overweight, you may eat more to deal with stress and anxiety, or just to feel full, which only increases the number of calories you take in and increases the risk of complications.
Why diets commonly fail
We commonly think of the term diet to indicate a method of eating and exercising to get you to lose weight, but it’s more than that. We need to take into consideration how and why we regain the weight we lose, and how to prevent it. Studies suggest that dieting can actually lead to long-term weight gain, because often in diets your body will create hunger-inducing hormones when it senses it has lost fat and muscle.
A big part of the problem is many of us don’t know how to diet properly and find ourselves going to fad diets and crash diets to get quick results. Fad diets that cause you to shed large amounts of weight quickly don’t sustain that loss over time, so eventually, that weight will come back. Good diets try to rewire your brain and appetite to burn more calories and lose weight in a healthy way to keep it off. Changing all of your eating and exercise habits radically and expecting to maintain that for a period longer than a few months is both unhealthy and unwise.
What medically supervised diets can do for you
The primary difference between a regular diet and a medically supervised diet is that you have a medical team to help you understand the dieting process and can make a plan that fits your specific needs. With a medically supervised diet, our team can focus on modifying behaviors to help ease you out of bad habits and into good ones, lay out meal plans to control calories, and create an exercise regimen that compliments your needs. In combination with medications to help ease the process and surgery as an option if necessary, we are confident we can help you find a healthy lifestyle you can stick with for the long haul.
Not all people can use the same diet and expect results, so a team of people tailoring a regimen of dietary habits and exercises to you will better guarantee you get a lifestyle you can sustain for the rest of your life. Any attempts at long-term weight loss are a lifetime commitment, which means short-term diets aren’t the solution.
So if you’re ready to try a diet system tailored to your needs by our medical staff, make an appointment with Dr. Veiseh today to get started.
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