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What Bone Density Tests Can Help Women Discover Early On

What Bone Density Tests Can Help Women Discover Early On

There are several different types of tests that are classified as bone density tests. Their purpose is to measure the strength of your bones and to show whether you’re experiencing bone loss over time.

Bone loss can lead to osteoporosis, which is a disorder that causes your bones to become brittle and fragile because you have less bone mass, and what’s there may be of lower quality. When you have osteoporosis, you have a much higher risk of breaking bones, even from minor things, like tripping.

Osteoporosis doesn’t have symptoms that you can monitor to know whether your risk is increasing. There are some factors that make it more likely you’ll develop osteoporosis, but the majority of people who have it don’t know it until they break a bone.

The good news

There is good news, though -- a bone density test can alert you to potential problems with your bones before you experience a fracture.

Here at University Executive Physical Program, we offer bone density testing to our patients in Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Veiseh may suggest a bone density test if you’re:

Before you have full-blown osteoporosis, you have a condition that’s known as osteopenia, which is low bone mass. If you’re aware that you have osteopenia, you can begin taking steps to prevent a fracture and to maintain the bone mass you currently do have.

Bone density testing

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry usually referred to as a DEXA test, is the most common type of bone density test. It provides detailed information about your bone density in your spine, hip, and forearm, and it doesn’t expose you to very much radiation.

We offer DEXA testing right in our office for your convenience. The test takes half an hour or less and gives you information about your bone health. That way if you have osteopenia or are already suffering from osteoporosis, you can get expert advice from Dr. Veiseh and take steps to protect your bones.

Steps you can take now

There are some things you can do now to prevent bone loss. For example, if you’re a smoker, quit now. Dr. Veiseh can provide resources and information that can help.

You should also pay close attention to your diet if you’re at risk for bone loss. Consume plenty of protein and calcium, and make sure that you’re eating enough calories overall. Aiming for a balance of healthy carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats is an important step in protecting your bone health.

Exercise is another critical factor when it comes to your bones. In addition to helping you maintain bone mass, exercise can improve your strength and flexibility, making it less likely you’ll fall. Finding activities that you enjoy and exercising at least three times each week for 30 minutes each time will improve your overall health.

You may also want to discuss whether you should take supplements with Dr. Veiseh. Calcium and vitamin D are both associated with bone health.

If you want to be proactive about your bone health, book an appointment with us online or by phone today.

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